“These conversations are going to occur whether you like it or not, O.K.? Well, do you want to be part of that or not? My argument is you absolutely do. You can learn from that. You can improve your reaction time. And you can be a better company by listening and being involved in that conversation.”
Michael Dell in Business Week, 2007
Social communication and engagement between you and your customers is the most important part of your online strategy.
Conversocial is a web based tool giving individuals and teams the power to easily manage conversations and comments in multiple large fan pages with ease.
Managing fan pages inside Facebook is slow, inefficient and hard to track. With Conversocial, you get an instant overview of all your pages, auto-flagging by keyword, email alerts, escalation, and tracking of what you’ve seen, across team members. You can delete or reply to content in-line, and see the context of comments with their original post. Fast, efficient, and trackable.